A Brushed Satin Slimline Dressed in African Padauk

A Brushed Satin Slimline Dressed in African Padauk

African padauk (most commonly pronounced as pah-DUKE) is native to central and tropical west Africa where it reaches heights of up to 130 feet with a 4-foot trunk diameter. Its heartwood color can vary from a pale pinkish-orange to a deep brownish-red. Because of its very unique reddish-orange coloration, African padauk is sometimes called vermillion. (Vermilion is a brilliant red or scarlet pigment originally made from the powdered mineral cinnabar.)

This pen’s sleek refined design makes it an exceptionally popular gift that never goes out of style. The very durable low-luster brushed satin plating gives this pen a subtle and elegant look.

Accepts Cross-style ballpoint refills.

Information on African padauk from the Wood Database.